INSERT INTO `questions` (`q`, `date`) VALUES
(‘are you there yet?’, ’0000-00-00′),
(‘What”s your favorite color?’, ’2009-08-03′),
(‘Do you believe in ghosts?’, ’2009-08-03′),
(‘what age is the most wonderful ?’, ’2009-08-04′),
(‘why aren”t we braver ?’, ’2009-08-04′),
(‘Are we there yet?’, ’2009-08-11′),
(‘et si on disait toujours OUI au lieu de NON ?’, ’2009-08-12′),
(‘Do you like me?’, ’2009-08-16′),
(‘Is Time strictly continuous?’, ’2009-08-25′),
(‘what”s your question ?’, ’2009-08-25′),
(‘How does it feel to live 40 years on planet earth ?’, ’2009-08-27′),
(‘Why can”t I live forever?’, ’2009-08-28′),
(‘Do you really need to have a penis to feel like a man’, ’2009-08-28′),
(‘suis-je déjà mort ?’, ’2009-08-28′),
(‘Ikura desuka?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘How many times, in 40 days and 40 nights, will the time be 9.09?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Is he the one?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Ima nanji desuka?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Genki desuka?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Isn”t it great to have it in the US?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Pourquoi les femmes sont-elles devenues des hommes, et les hommes sont-ils devenus des femmes (et ont leurs règles plusieurs fois par mois) ?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Am I gonna be famous?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Le Père Noël existe-t-il? Non mais vraiment?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Pourquoi est-ce que la petite souris n”a rémunéré mes problèmes dentaires que jusqu”à mes 7 ans? ‘, ’2009-08-30′),
(’7 ans, l”âge de raison?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Does “sexy hot gal” necessarily mean “bitch”?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Does it ring a bell?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘What The Fuck?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Are you colour blind?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘What does it feel like?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘A quoi tu penses?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Nansai desuka?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘What”s your scary age?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Is it really a neverending story?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Is it selfish to be self-centered?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Is red-n-blue the new black?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Is it too late?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Wanna smoke?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Very rare, rare, medium rare, medium or well done?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘When will it be over?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘La bichette attitude peut-elle sauver le monde?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Why do you ask?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Do you actually give a shit?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘How many times a day do you scratch your crotch?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘How many times a day do you touch your hair?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Ticket de métro ou triangle?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Are you awake?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Silver or Gold?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Shiro-san doko desuka?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘What”s your annual income?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘How many questions do you ask yourself on a daily basis?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Do you think you”ve got the answers?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Do you think you”re cool?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Too cool to care?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Too drunk to fuck?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Too lazy to work?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Too fat to fit?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Too scared to dare?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Too fair to play?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Do you wank every day?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Is it you?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Are you 100% sure?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Why me?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Why not?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Wo Kinder spielen sie?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Warum liebe ich ihn so sehr?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Que es eso?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Was ist das?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘What is this?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Qu”est-ce?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Kore ha nan desuka?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Shall we?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘who let the dogs out ?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘should I go on?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘When are you gonna get this bloody key?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘why can”t we live together ?’, ’2009-09-03′),
(‘Is ”less” more stress?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘why does he disappear when I am opening my heart ?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Am I scary ?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘Am I too much ?’, ’2009-08-30′),
(‘How can I be 3 places at once tonight?’, ’2009-09-03′),
(‘Can love save the world?’, ’2009-09-05′),
(‘Are we addicted to addictions?’, ’2009-09-05′),
(‘When are you gonna get this fuckin mailbox key?’, ’2009-09-05′),
(‘Do you like Phil Collins?’, ’2009-09-05′),
(‘Actif ou Passif?’, ’2009-09-05′),
(‘Are you happy with this?’, ’2009-09-05′),
(‘WHY?’, ’2009-09-08′),
(‘Is Time the only real thing we all have in comun?’, ’2009-09-08′),
(‘Pourquoi tu m”écoute jamais ?’, ’2009-09-08′),
(‘With America”s political systems, do you think red and blue are objective enough to use? Is it supposed to be objective, or does what we associate the colors with even matter to you at all in this project?’, ’2009-09-11′),
(‘Are we really free in this society?’, ’2009-09-12′),
(‘Why saying YES is harder than saying NO?’, ’2009-09-12′),
(‘What happen last night?’, ’2009-09-13′),
(‘Am I mature or childish selfish bitch?’, ’2009-09-13′),
(‘How do you get to a place like that, where fun things come that everybody understands?’, ’2009-09-16′),
(‘Who is God?’, ’2009-09-16′),
(‘What is God?’, ’2009-09-16′),
(‘How long is a piece of string?’, ’2009-09-16′),
(‘Will I have everything I want?’, ’2009-09-16′),
(‘Will I leave earth with the orangutans?’, ’2009-09-16′),
(‘Will and where they”ll use the neutron bomb?’, ’2009-09-16′),
(‘Why?’, ’2009-09-16′),
(‘Do you know who you are? Know Thyself.’, ’2009-09-16′),
(‘Why does art move in so many directions?’, ’2009-09-16′),
(‘Why must people meet at a gathering and gather at a meeting?’, ’2009-09-16′),
(‘How do you know?’, ’2009-09-16′),
(‘What is happening to me?’, ’2009-09-16′),
(‘Is money evil?’, ’2009-09-16′),
(‘What time is it?’, ’2009-09-16′),
(‘Do you think Fair Park will see a progression in becoming a destination?’, ’2009-09-16′),
(‘Will they”re be a second chance?’, ’2009-09-16′),
(‘How did you get to be so fabulous?’, ’2009-09-16′),
(‘How are you doing good?’, ’2009-09-16′),
(‘Love?’, ’2009-09-16′),
(‘Why is there suffering in the world?’, ’2009-09-16′),
(‘What does it feel like?’, ’2009-09-16′),
(‘How is the wine?’, ’2009-09-16′),
(‘Why doesn”t anyone do somethinng about the rain?’, ’2009-09-16′),
(‘When do ideas turn into choices?’, ’2009-09-16′),
(‘How much is really too much?’, ’2009-09-16′),
(‘Where is that large automobile ?’, ’2009-09-17′),
(‘Voulez vous coucheïe avec moi ?’, ’2009-09-18′),
(‘Are you happy ?’, ’2009-09-21′),
(‘Will I want everything I have ?’, ’2009-09-19′),
(‘Why is art so important and so much fun at the same time?’, ’2009-09-21′),
(‘Does calling me soggy make you feel better about yourself?’, ’2009-09-24′),
(‘Is it me or the city gets colder every minutes?’, ’2009-09-26′),
(‘Are you sure?’, ’2009-10-01′),
(‘Does anyone knows kathy griffin”s e-mail?’, ’2009-10-02′),
(‘what time is it?’, ’2009-10-10′),
(‘Do you play a lot’, ’2009-10-14′),
(‘A quelle age vais-je mourrir?’, ’2009-10-22′),
(‘Do you love me?’, ’2009-10-22′),
(‘Do you ever wish you”d never been born?’, ’2009-11-02′),
(‘ARE YOU A UNICORN?’, ’2009-11-24′),
(‘fgegekyekyekeyk’, ’2009-12-24′),
(‘no question at all’, ’2010-02-14′),
(‘no question at all’, ’2010-02-14′),
(‘no question at all’, ’2010-02-14′),
(‘no question at all’, ’2010-02-14′),
(‘no question at all’, ’2010-02-14′),
(‘no question at all’, ’2010-02-14′),
(‘When Am I Gonna make A Living?’, ’2010-06-12′),
(‘Is it more cold when you are alone?’, ’2010-06-17′),
(‘What time is Art?’, ’2010-06-17′);
– ——————————————————–
– Structure de la table `votes`
CREATE TABLE `votes` (
`email` text NOT NULL,
`vote` text NOT NULL,
`date` date NOT NULL
– Contenu de la table `votes`
INSERT INTO `votes` (`email`, `vote`, `date`) VALUES
(‘’, ‘ry’, ’2009-08-22′),